Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cheer Squad is Ready

The High School cheer squad is ready for a new season. All residents are encouraged to come out to the football games and cheer the team on with our 2007-2008 squad! Top row from left to right: Grok Unga, Luongk Chawa, Brak Djinka, Spork Spackla. Bottom row: Schmak Swhick, Arrgh OOOh, Yowla Urrgh, and Captain Growlba Yarrgh.

Bird Flu Hits Area Hard

Bird Flu attacked many of our most important citizens. Reports started coming by the 2's and 3's about the lifeless bodies scattered about yards around Bonney Lake. A biology team from Green River Community College sent a B.S. degree candidate in Biology to investigate the area, indicating the seriousness of the situation. More information will be posted when available.

Welcome to Lake Tapps Residents

The purpose of this gazette is to reach out to our new Bonney Lake residents to the North. What was Lake Tapps is now Greater Bonney Lake! There is much to see and do in the beautiful burg of Bonney Lake. All those who swim and ski in the aqua-marine waters to the north should enjoy the cold, brown, invigorating waters to the south.

Some of you have expressed distress at having your postal address changed from Sumner to Bonney Lake and have expressed your outrage!
Please let us convince you of your great fortune to be included as part of our great city.